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You may return new and unused items sold by The Pump Shop within 30 days of delivery for a full refund. Items should be returned in their original product packaging, in new condition. We will pay the return shipping costs if the return is a result of our error, otherwise, it is up to you to ship it to us.

You should expect to receive your refund within two weeks of giving your package to your courier. We will notify you via e-mail of your refund once we've received and processed the returned item.

Courier Expenses: If you make an error or change your mind and wish to return items, you will be required to pay the shipping expense. Also if you return a large portion or an entire order, and we paid the shipping, we may deduct costs from your refund.

Products NOT acceptable for return:

A. Goods that have been invoiced from more than 60 days.

B. Goods that are dirty or damaged which are unsuitable for resale.

How to Return an Item:

Please include the following details with your return:

Order Reference
Phone Number
Which product(s) are being returned
Reason for returning the product(s)
If incorrectly ordered - which product you require instead
If incorrectly supplied -which product was ordered and received
If damaged - how and where the product is damaged

Please Note: We may ask for photos of the product for identification and inspection.

If you want to return products, we recommend taking photos as soon as possible especially if the reason for returning the product is due to damage. For the photos, please take clear images of the product as a whole as well as details on the product (e.g. If damaged, a photo of the damaged area. If incorrect size, an image of the size written on the product).


Send to:

The Pump Shop
5 Triton Ave
Mount Maunganui


Goods attract a warranty period which may vary from product to product. Warranty covers only defect as a result of manufacturing defect or faulty parts. We are not obliged to replace products if they can be repaired. In accordance with consumer laws, replacement product will only carry warranty for the duration of the warranty period of the original product purchased. Warranty does not cover any labour costs. Abuse or neglect of a product, or product being used outside of its intended use or application will void any warranty. We reserve the right to obtain any information in order to determine cause of failure. Failure of a product within the warranty period does not automatically constitute or guarantee warranty.

Goods are sold on a return to base basis. This means that it is the customer's responsibility to either ship the goods back to our address for inspection, or to take the goods to our nominated service dealer.